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<session trace>

<midi.ijs>= (<-U)
<midi.ijs required files>
<midi.ijs dll calls>
<midi.ijs short message routines>
<midi.ijs play verb>
<midi.ijs initialization code>
<midi.ijs exports>

Sending MIDI Messages to a Sound-card with J

Martin Neitzel
Gärtner Datensysteme
Braunschweig, Germany
[email protected]

Today's PCs are usually equipped with a sound-card which is MIDI-capable, that is, it will understand the protocol defined by the Musical Instrument Data Interchange standard. Here is some simple code to interface to a MIDI device using J.

The MIDI utility definitions

The Microsoft Windows system already contains all the basic routines to deal with MIDI devices. There are actually to sets of routines: The high-level "multimedia player" routines allow you to run prepared MIDI files. MIDI files typically have several voices and contain timing information. The other set of routines, and these will be our topic, are the low-level routines. They allow us to send tiny protocol units directly to the sound-card which is just fine in an interpreter's interactive environment:

<midi.ijs required files>= (<-U)

require 'dll format'
coclass 'midi'

NB. The winapi declarations have moved around a bit historically,
NB. and its not always possible just to say 'require winapi'.  So:
winapi_path =. monad define
        select. ({.~  i.&'/') 9!:14''
        case. '4.01';'4.02'     do. 'system/examples/winapi/winapi'
        case.                   do. 'system/packages/winapi/winapi'

'z' load winapi_path''

<midi.ijs dll calls>= (<-U) [D->]

midiOutGetNumDevs =:'midiOutGetNumDevs' win32api
NB. Two are buggy in the J system distribution:
midiOutGetDevCapsA  =: 'winmm midiOutGetDevCapsA i i *c i'&cd
midiOutOpen =: 'winmm midiOutOpen i *i i i i i'&cd
midiOutShortMsg =: 'midiOutShortMsg' win32api
midiOutReset =: 'midiOutReset' win32api
midiOutClose =: 'midiOutClose' win32api

Two of the DLL calls are incorrectly declared in the supplied API specs for win32api, so we have to do it ourselves.

Alas, to find these routines and their documentation, you still have to acquire some Microsoft products: A "Microsoft Developer's Network" CD-ROM is essential for the documentation -- but still not enough. In addition, you'll need the C header files to find all the actual values of the symbolic constants mentioned in the documentation.

Almost all of the functionality of a MIDI device can be controlled by "MIDI short messages". They consist of a command byte followed by up to three parameters. Our work horse for the experiments will therefor be midiOutShortMsg, disguised by a simple J utility sm which takes care of the message encoding and the currently opened MIDI device.

The "General MIDI" standard assigns various piano, string, or wind instruments to numbers ranging from 0 to 127, and sometimes the whole 8-bit-byte range is supported by a MIDI device. Note numbers are simply a chromatic numbering, using 60 for the middle C, 61 for middle sharp C, and so on. Loudness (or, more accurately, "velocity") uses 127 as medium loud and 255 as "fortissimo". (Mind you: effective loudness is depends on your volume settings. Check them in case you hear nothing during your experiments.)

In the sm definition below, ".@('moh'"_) will cause a deferred evaluation of the variable moh, the current Midi Output Handle as returned from the last midiOutOpen. The sub-clause 256&#.@|. is a neat way to put the up two three Short Message codes into the proper byte order and merge them into the int required by the Windows API.

<midi.ijs short message routines>= (<-U)

sm=: midiOutShortMsg @ (".@('moh'"_) ; 256&#.@|.)

chprg   =: sm @ (192&,)                         NB. cmd192  instr-nr(y.)
noteon  =: sm @ ((1})& 144 0 125) " 0           NB. cmd144  note(y.)  loudness
noteoff =: sm @ ((1})& 128 0 125) " 0           NB. cmd128  note(y.)  loudness

To play a note, you have to send a "note on" message, wait a bit, and then send a "note off" message. With a piano sound, one might think a "note on" message would suffice, since the note will decay naturally. However, until you finally emit the "note off" message, precious resources might still be tied up in your sound-card. Also, switching to an "organ" type sound will make the purpose of "note off" messages drastically clear.

To ease the three steps of on/wait/off for each note, the dp verb will play a note with a given duration. It uses the 6!:3 delay foreign with sub-second resolution. Unit time here is a tenth of a second, and the default duration is set at 2 tenths. Of course nobody is prevented to use a duration of 0.1, resulting in a milli-second note -- very quick!

Exercise here: Make a prediction just from looking at the definition what dp would do with non-scalar or boxed arguments.

<midi.ijs play verb>= (<-U)

dp =: verb define "0 0
        2 dp y.
        noteon y. =. >y.
        6!:3  x. * 0.1
        empty noteoff y.

Initializing the MIDI device

The above provides a lot of definitions. As the last step of midi.ijs, we will open one of the devices using the low-level routines. This way, users can directly proceed with using dp and have some fun.

Before we present the code going into the midi.ijs script, we start with a simpler session trace showing what is involved with opening the device, step by step. We switch a bit back and forth between session logs and midi.ijs code, so watch the headers.

First, we have to open the proper MIDI device and to obtain a handle for it. midiOutGetNumDevs will return the total number of devices in the system able to receive MIDI messages. Even though my laptop used for these experiments has only one physical sound-card, I'll get 3 MIDI devices reported:

Another MIDI output "device" often seen is the "MIDI Mapper" of the Windows system. This is a pure software driver used to compensate for some lack of standardization from the early MIDI days: the code numbers for instruments have not always been fixed, and the "MIDI mapper" allows you to re-assign instrument numbers on-the-fly, before the messages finally reach the true device.

The numbering of the devices is not fixed. It can change from reboot to reboot on a machine. In order not to end up with speaking to an orphaned game port, you'll have to list the names of the reported devices and choose the proper one.

midiOutGetDevCapsA returns a rich structure. We use a bit of magic hackery here just to extract the name of a device. Another article describes how the complete story can be uncovered.

<midi.ijs dll calls>+= (<-U) [<-D]

NB. A wrapper to return the device name given a device number:

midiOutGetDevName =: monad define "0
        caps=. midiOutGetDevCapsA  y. ; (100#' ') ; 100
        NB. The following relies on some "magic knowledge"
        NB. about the layout of the "capabilities" C structure:
        name=. ({.~ i.&(0{a.)) (8+i.32) { > 2{caps

<session trace>= (<-U) [D->]

   ] ndev =. > midiOutGetNumDevs ''
   (; midiOutGetDevName)"0 i. ndev
|0|ESS MPU-401        |
|1|ESFM-Synthese (220)|
|2|YAMAHA SGMP Driver |

The "MPU-401" device refers to the external game/midi port of the system, whereas "ESFM-Synthese" refers to the on-board FM MIDI chipset of the sound-card. The odds are good you'll find something similar in your system, too. The Yamaha SGMP Driver is the software-emulated "sound-card". Let's use the built-in hardware synth, i.e. the device number 1 from the list above. (The MPU driver would be useless unless there's a synthesizer hooked up to the external port.)

The first argument to midiOutOpen, (,9), is a bit tricky. The parameter type is *i, for "a pointer to the space receiving the handle of the opened device". Fortunately, there is no need to involve complicated mema/r/w/f calls to get the memory. We are not dealing with a structure which will be referenced again later on. Instead a simple temporary array will do the the job, therefor the ravel comma. But a (,0) or (,1) would not be adequate, because that gives only a list for one (J) boolean. We really need an integer like 9 (or 54321 or 2 or _42) here to create the space capable to hold the (integer-like) handle.

The second argument in the list is 1, the device number of our ESFM-Synthesizer. Just accept the three remaining zeroes as constants for the moment.

<session trace>+= (<-U) [<-D->]

   ] r =. midiOutOpen (,9) ; 1 ; 0 ; 0; 0
   moh =: 0{1 pick r
   chprg 0      NB. acoustic grand piano
   dp 60        NB. play a single note (middle C)
NB. Bing!

In our script, we are doing just the same. The only difference is that we will pop up a selection dialog and take it from there.

<midi.ijs initialization code>= (<-U)

ndev =. > midiOutGetNumDevs ''
devlist=. midiOutGetDevName each i. ndev
mo_dev_idx=: 1 pick (<:ndev) wdselect 'Select the MIDI device' ; <devlist

NB. parameters are:
NB. *device_handle (will be set) ; device_index;
NB. callback_function; instance; flags (int!)
] r =: midiOutOpen (,9) ; mo_dev_idx ; 0 ; 0; 9-9
] moh =: 0{1 pick r

chprg 0         NB. acoustic grand piano

NB. Announce that we are up & running:
2 2 2 8 dp 51 51 51 48          NB. yaddadda-dah!

The final section of the code makes the high-level functions visible to general applications by planting referents into the z locale. Utilities requiring MIDI knowledge remain confined to the midi class.

<midi.ijs exports>= (<-U)

NB. export major tools:
export =: monad define
        dp_z_           =:dp_midi_
        chprg_z_        =:chprg_midi_
        midireset_z_    =:midiOutReset_midi_ bind moh
        midiclose_z_    =:midiOutClose_midi_ bind moh
        empty ''
export ''

This simple set of routines hides all the details of the MIDI system. In particular, the output handle moh becomes completely invisible. Users of the midi class only have to remember a final call to midiclose.

This closes our midi.ijs script.

From MIDI technology to simple music theory

This, finally, is the fruit of our labor: a short sample session using just the high-level definitions and concentrating on the notes from a musician's perspective. It does look impressive here as it is written: while you can read the J input sentences here, the output is "only" audible. So run the code!

<session trace>+= (<-U) [<-D]

   require 'contrib/windows/packages/music/midi'

   maj =: 0 4 7
   min =: 0 3 7
   10 10 20 dp 66 68 69 +each maj;min;maj       NB. box notes for chords
   NB. Elvis was here:
   riff =. 0 12 10 7
   blues =. 0 0 0 0  5 5 0 0  7 5 0 7
   (dp~ # $ 6 3"_) C + 0 ,~,~, blues +/ 2 # riff

   NB. Use midireset whenever you have to reset the device,
   NB. for example if you experience "hanging notes".
   NB. Also, a call is well advised before closing the device:

   NB. When you are done with everything:

Where to get this code

This text is available in a variety of forms. The true source of it is a single file written for a simple literate programming tool. This file has been postprocessed into various forms. You are probably looking at one of the following right now:

You might hold it in your hands as a printed Vector article, containing both descriptive text and the J code.

You might be browsing though the hypertext version with full blown crossreferences, served at juggle.gaertner.de.

Very likely however, you'd be interested in just the midi.ijs script file as extract from this text. This is available, too, along with the original Literate Programming version and a music.ijs script providing simple tools for studying simple harmony theory (scales, chords, and all that).

All these files are still evolving, and therefore they are excellent candidates for maintainence in the J source repository. It is the module j/contrib/windows/packages/music at the CVS repository :pserver:[email protected]:/usr/local/cvs. If this looks all Greek to you, turn to the repository intro page. It provides anything you need to know, including hands-on tutorials and references to the software for your system.


I'm indebted to Eric Iverson for explaining the finer points of the DLL interface to me and for his comments on this text.

Index to Scripts and Definitions

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