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Double +:  0 0 0 Not-Or

+: y is twice y . For example:
   +: 3 0 _2
6 0 _4
  x +: y is the negation of x or y . For example, 0 +: 0 is 1 .

Since the square of the sum of two arguments equals the sum of their squares and twice their product, the following functions are equivalent:
   f=: + * +
   g=: *:@[ + +:@* + *:@]
For example:
   x=: 7 6 3 [ y=: 6 5 3
   x (f ; g ; (f=g) ; (f-:g)) y
|169 121 36|169 121 36|1 1 1|1|
Since the domain of not-or is limited to zero and one, its entire behaviour can be seen in the following function tables:
   d=: 0 1                    Domain of nor
   d +:/ d                    Table of nor
1 0
0 0
   d +./ d                    Table of or
0 1
1 1

   -. d +./ d                 Negation of table of or
1 0
0 0
   (+:&.-./~d) ; (*:/~d)      Nand and nor are duals under not
|1 1|1 1|
|1 0|1 0|

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