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Catalogue {  1 0 _ From

{y forms a catalogue from the atoms of its argument, its shape being the chain of the shapes of the opened items of y . The common shape of the boxed results is $y . For example:
   { 'ht';'ao';'gtw'
The Cartesian product is readily defined in terms of { , thus:
   CP=: {@(,&<)
   0 1 CP 2 3 4
|0 2|0 3|0 4|
|1 2|1 3|1 4|
  If x is an integer in the range from -n=: #y to n-1 , then x{y selects item n|x from y . Thus:
   2 0 _1 _3 { 'abcdefg'

   t=:3 4$'abcdefghijkl'
More generally, >x may be a list whose successive elements are (possibly) boxed arrays that specify selection along successive axes of y .

Finally, if any r=:>j{>x used in the selection is itself boxed, selection is made by the indices along that axis that do not occur in >r .

Note that the result in the very last dyadic example, that is, (<<<_1){m , is all except the last item.

   t=: 3 4 $ 'abcdefghijkl'
   t; (1{t); (2 1{t); (1{"1 t); ((,1){"1 t); (2 1{"1 t)
|efgh|    |efgh|   |f|gf|
|ijkl|    |    |   |j|kj|

   t; (2 0{t); ((<2 0){t); ((2 0;1 3){t); ((<2 0;1 3){t)
|efgh|abcd| |  |bd|
|ijkl|    | |  |  |

   (_1{m); (_1{"2 m); (_1{"1 m); (<<<_1){m=:i.2 3 4
|12 13 14 15| 8  9 10 11| 3  7 11|0 1  2  3|
|16 17 18 19|20 21 22 23|15 19 23|4 5  6  7|
|20 21 22 23|           |        |8 9 10 11|

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