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Evoke Gerund m`:n  _ _ _

This conjunction is defined for three cases:
m `: 0   Append   Appends the results of the individual verbs; the ranks are the maxima over their ranks.
m `: 3 Insert Inserts verbs between items. Equivalent to m/
m `: 6 Train Result is the train of individual verbs.

For example:
   <+:`-:`% `: 0 a=: 1 2 3 4 5
|  2   4        6    8  10|
|0.5   1      1.5    2 2.5|
|  1 0.5 0.333333 0.25 0.2|

   (+ b.0) ; (%. b.0) ; (+`%.`:0 b.0)
|0 0 0|2 _ 2|_ _ _|

   (+`* `:3 a) ; (+`*/a) ; (1+2*3+4*5)

   (+`*`- `: 6 a) ; ((+ * -) a)
|_1 _4 _9 _16 _25|_1 _4 _9 _16 _25|

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