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Compose u&v  mv mv mv  

u&v y « u v y . Thus +:&- 7 is _14 (double the negation). Moreover, the monads u&v and u@v are equivalent.
  x u&v y « (v x) u (v y) . For example, 3 +&! 4 is 30, the sum of factorials.

The monadic case is equivalent to the composition used in mathematics, but the dyadic case opens up other possibilities. For example:
   3 +&^. 4                    Sum of natural logarithms

   ^ 3 +&^. 4                  Multiplication using natural logs

   3 +&(10&^.) 4               Sum of base ten logarithms

   10 ^ 3 +&(10&^.) 4          Multiplication using base ten logs

   3 +&.^. 4                   See the related conjunction under (&.)

   3 +&.(10&^.) 4
Compare the behaviour of & with that of &: . They differ only in the ranks of the verbs that they produce.

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