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Roll ? ?.  0 0 0 Deal

? y yields a uniform random selection from the population i.y . The random seed used begins at 7^5 (16807) and is unaffected by the use of ?. .
  x ? y is a list of x items randomly chosen without repetition from i.y . The corresponding use of ?. does not affect the random seed.

Use of the fixed seed function ?. makes examples reproducible:
   ?. 6 
   ?. 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
0 4 2 3 1 0 4 4

   6 ?. 6                     A random permutation
5 1 2 4 3 0

   mean=: +/ % #
   mean ?. 1000 # 6

   m=: ?. 4 4 $ 9             A random matrix for experimentation
1 6 4 4
1 0 6 6
8 3 4 7
0 0 4 6
   -/ . * m                   The determinant of m

   f=: ?.@$ % ] - 1:
   <3 6 f 9                   Random 3 by 6 table in range zero to one with resolution 9
|0.125 0.75 0.5   0.5 0.125     0|
| 0.75 0.75   1 0.375   0.5 0.875|
|    0    0 0.5  0.75     0 0.375|
The random seed (a beginning value for the pseudo-random number generator) is set by the foreign conjunction using 9!:1, and queried with 9!:0 .

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