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Angle r.  0 0 0 Polar

r.y « ^j.y
  x r. y « x*r. y

The result of r. y is a complex number of magnitude 1, whose real and imaginary parts are coordinates of the point on the unit circle at an angle of y radians. For example:
   r. 2

   +. r. 2
_0.416147 0.909297

   | r. 2

   y=: 1r4 * o. i.7            Multiples of one-quarter p
   format=: 8j3&":
   (format ,.y);(format +. r.y);(format +. 2 r.y)
|   0.000|   1.000   0.000|   2.000   0.000|
|   0.785|   0.707   0.707|   1.414   1.414|
|   1.571|   0.000   1.000|   0.000   2.000|
|   2.356|  _0.707   0.707|  _1.414   1.414|
|   3.142|  _1.000   0.000|  _2.000   0.000|
|   3.927|  _0.707  _0.707|  _1.414  _1.414|
|   4.712|   0.000  _1.000|   0.000  _2.000|

   3 r. _2

   *. 3 r. _2
3 _2

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