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Scripts 0!:

0!:k y The script y is executed according to the digits (zero or one) in the 3-digit decimal representation of k :
  1st digit 2nd digit 3rd digit
  0   From file or noun   Stop on error Silent
  1 From noun Continue on error     Display
For example, 0!:111 abc executes the noun abc, completes, and displays.

If y is 1 , input is from the keyboard.

Sessions begin with (silent, stop) execution of 0!:0<'profile.ijs'
0!:2 y The script y is expected to be a sequence of tautologies; 0!:2 y is like 0!:1 y but stops if any result is other than all 1 .
0!:3 y Like 0!:2 y , but produces a 1 or 0 result according to whether the script passes (contains only tautologies) or fails.

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