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Extended Precision x:  _ _ _ Num/Denom

x: applies to real numbers and produces extended precision rational numbers. It applies to integers and produces extended integers. The implied comparison in x: is tolerant. The inverse x:^:_1 converts rationals, including extended integers, into finite precision numbers (floating point or integer).
  1 x: y is the same as x: y ; and 2 x: y produces the two extended integers of the numerator and denominator of the argument.

   x: 1.2

   2 x: 1.2
6 5

   x: 1.2 _1.2 0 0.07
6r5 _6r5 0 7r100

   x: 3j4
|domain error
|       x:3j4

   ] pi =: o.1

   x: pi

   pi - 1285290289249%409120605684

   x:!.0 pi

   pi - 884279719003555%281474976710656

   2 x: 1r2 3r4 5r6 _7r8
 1 2
 3 4
 5 6
_7 8
See also Section II G.

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