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8. Atop Conjunction

The conjunction @ applies to two verbs to produce a verb that is equivalent to applying the first atop the second. For example:
   TriplePowersOf2=: (3&*)@(2&^)
   TriplePowersOf2 0 1 2 3 4
3 6 12 24 48

   CubeOfDiff=: (^&3)@-
   3 4 5 6 CubeOfDiff 6 5 4 3
_27 _1 1 27

   f=: ^@-                    The rightmost function is first applied dyadically 
                              if possible; the second is applied monadically.
   5 f 3

   f 3

   g=: -@^
   5 g 3

   g 3
A conjunction, like an adverb, is executed before verbs; the left argument of either is the entire verb phrase that precedes it. Consequently, some (but not all) of the parentheses in the foregoing definitions can be omitted. For example:
   COD=: ^&3@-
   3 4 5 6 COD 6 5 4 3
_27 _1 1 27

   TPO2=: 3&*@(2&^)

   TPO2 0 1 2 3 4
3 6 12 24 48

   tpo2=: 3&*@2&^             An error because the conjunction @ is defined
|domain error                 only for a verb right argument
|   tpo2=:    3&*@2&^


8.1   Cover the comments on the right, and state the effects of the programs. Then cover the programs and rewrite them from the English statements:
mc=: (+/%#)@|:                Means of columns of table
f=: +/@(^&2)                  Sum of squares of list
g=: %:@f                      Geometric length of list
h=:{&' *'@(</)                Map of comparison (dyad)
k=: i. h i.                   Map (monad)
map=: {&'+-* %#$'             7-character map
MAP=: map@(6&<.)              Extended domain of map
add=: MAP@ (i.+/i.)           Addition table map

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