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2. Alphabet and Numbers

   (a. {~ j +/ i.26) ; (j +/ i.6) ; (j=: a. i. 'aA') ; ($ a.)
|abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz|97 98 99 100 101 102|97 65|256|
|ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ|65 66 67  68  69  70|     |   |

   1 2 3{ t=: 8 32$a.         The major alphabet
The table t arranges the alphabet in eight rows, but its complete display would look odd because of the effects of various control characters such as the carriage return. A boxed display <t is more readable because spaces are substituted for them.
   i. 2 5                     Table of integers
0 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9

   r=: 0j1 _1 0j_1 1          Square roots of plus and minus 1
   + r                        (Complex) conjugates
0j_1 _1 0j1 1

   r * +r
1 1 1 1
   r */ r                     Multiplication table of roots of unity
  _1 0j_1    1  0j1
0j_1    1  0j1   _1
   1  0j1   _1 0j_1
 0j1   _1 0j_1    1
   ! 45x                      "x" denotes extended precision

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