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Explicit Definitions

Explicit definition is convenient for anyone more familiar with conventional programming, particularly that using if then else forms. It is also convenient for anyone engaged in extending their mastery of tacit programming: the automatic translation of a one-line explicit definition to tacit form can provide instruction in the reading and writing of tacit expressions. For example:

   log=: 3 : '10 ^. y.'
   log 1 10 20 40 100
0 1 1.30103 1.60206 2

   log			Display of the definition of log
3 : '10 ^. y.'

   log=: 13 : '10 ^. y.'
   log 1 10 20 40 100
0 1 1.30103 1.60206 2
   log			Display of the (tacit) definition of log
10"_ ^. ]
a0=: def=: : 0Adverb for entering explicit definitions

The phrases 1 : 0 and 2 : 0 and 3 : 0 may be used for entering explicit definitions of adverbs, conjunctions, and functions, without entering enclosing quotes. The adverb def defined above makes their use somewhat more convenient. For example:

   LOG=: 3 def
10 ^. y.
x. ^. y.

   LOG 10
   2 LOG 32

   rat=: 2 def
x.&p. % y.&p.

   1 4 6 4 1 rat 1 2 1
1 4 6 4 1&p. % 1 2 1&p.

   (1 4 6 4 1 rat 1 2 1) i. 6
1 4 9 16 25 36

It is important to recognize that explicit definitions are ordinary J statements (using the conjunction :) , and can be used with other expressions. For example:

   mat=: [;._2 (0 : 0)	Define matrix

   boxed=: <;._2 (0 : 0)	Define boxed list

   fn=: 3 : 0"1	Assign rank to an explicitly defined function
< +/ y.

   x=: 3
   3 : 0 x	Execute unnamed explicit definition
if. 2|y. do. 'odd' else. 'even' end.


3 5


   fn i. 3 4

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