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Type Change

m0=: [: 0&": 10"_ #. #: Character binary format of integer y
m1=: 1: ": |:@(10 10"_ #: >:@i.) Character form of column # heading
m2=: ] { '0123456789abcdef'"_ Character form of #, bases 2 thru 16
m3=: <"1 Box lists of array y
m4=:16"_#.'0123456789abcdef'"_ i.] Decimal from hexadecimal characters y
m5=: 10"_ #. '0123456789'"_ i. ] Decimal from decimal characters y
m6=: ". Convert rows of y to numbers (default 0)
d7=: [ ]`[@.(0: = #@]) ".@] # from character y, x if y not a number
m8=: }.@(".@('0 '&,@(*./@(e.&
     '0123456789'@]) # ])))
# from character, empty if not character
m9=: ". Execute each row of character table y
m10=: +/@:". Sum of numbers in character table y
m11=: ":@,. Format numeric list y as table
d12=: [:}."1[:": (10"_^[)+([:,.]) Format list y as x-wide col with leading 0s
d13=: [ n24 } m25@] Format y with 0s replaced by x
d14=: ":"_1 Row-wise format of y by x
d15=: ": Fmt y in fields <.x wide and 1|x decimals
m16=: #@": Number of characters in format of y
n17=: rn=: 'MDCLXVI' Roman numerals
m18=: rn&i. Roman numerals y in code
m19=: {&1000 500 100 50 10 5 1 Decode decimal values from indices y
m20=: [: | [:-/]+//.~0:,~2:</\] Decimal number from values of Roman
m21=: DFR=: m20@m19@m18 Decimal from Roman
m22=: RFD=:#&rn@(5 2 5 2 5 2 5&#:) Roman from Decimal (no refinements)
v23=: [: <"1 $ #: [: m26 [:,'1'"_ =] Indices of '1' in character table y
n24=: [`(v23@{:@])`({.@]) Gerund for amend
m25=: [: ": ] ,: ] = 0: Laminate boolean array locating free 0s in y
m26=: +/ {. \: Indices of 1s in Boolean list y
 12.34 4 0   7.8
     0 6 0   8.9
123.45 0 0 10.11
   ' ' d13 y
 12.34 4     7.8
       6     8.9
123.45     10.11

   RFD 1909

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