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Child Classes

The class defines the appearance and behavior of the control. The classes are:

check box
check box
combination of edit and listbox
dropdown combo box
combination of edit and listbox
single line edit box
multiline edit box
group box
graphics box
picture from a BMP, WMF, or ICO file
list box
radio button
horizontal scrollbar
vertical scrollbar
static text
display box
progress bar
single line rich edit control
multiline rich edit control
horizontal spin button
vertical spin button
tab control
horizontal trackbar
vertical trackbar
A button simply initiates a Windows event when pushed. Possible styles are:

  • bs_defpushbutton
  • the default pushbutton. Pressing Enter has the same effect as clicking this button.

  • bs_ownerdraw
  • a button with a picture from a graphics file

    A checkbox allows a two way selection - checked or unchecked. The only style is:

  • bs_lefttext
  • the caption is displayed on the left, instead of on the right.

    Use the set command to set the value of a checkbox, for example, to check control cb:

       wd 'set cb 1'

    The result of wd'q' contains the current value of each check box.

    A combobox is a combination of a listbox and an edit box. You can enter a response into the edit box, or select a response from the listbox. You may select only one item in a combobox.

    A combodrop is similar to a combobox, but initially shows only the edit box, and allows the list box to appear when selected.

    A combolist is similar to a combobox, except that you may select only from the list box, and may not enter any response into the edit box.

    Class styles are:

  • cbs_autohscroll
  • allow horizontal scrolling of the edit box

  • cbs_sort
  • sort entries alphabetically

    Use the set command to set the possible selections in a checkbox. This can be a list of names, that may be delimited by LF, EAV or ". For example:

       wd 'set cbox red green blue brown'
       wd 'set cbox "red" "green" "blue" "brown"'
       wd 'set cbox ',; (;:'red green blue brown') ,each LF

    Use setselect to set the selection. For example, the following sets item 2:

       wd 'setselect cbox 2'

    The result of wd'q' contains the current value and selection of each combobox. For example:

    |cbox        |blue                         |
    |cbox_select |2                            |

    An edit control is a single-line box, and an editm control is a multiline box, in which text can be displayed and edited. Edit control styles are:

  • es_autohscroll
  • use horizontal scroll bars if required

  • es_autovscroll
  • use vertical scroll bars if required

  • es_center
  • center text

  • es_lowercase
  • lowercase text only

  • es_readonly
  • display text as read-only

  • es_right
  • right justify text in control

  • es_uppercase
  • uppercase text only

    Use the set command to write text to an edit control. For example:

       wd 'set edit *Jeremy Fisher'

    The result of wd'q' contains the current text for each edit box, and indices of any selected text:

    |edit        |Peter Rabbit                 |
    |edit_select |6 12                         |

    A groupbox control is a box used to group controls, most often radiobuttons. There are no class styles.

    An isigraph control is a window that can display graphics. First create an isigraph control, then use graphics commands to create and display the graphics. All graphics commands start with g. Graphics are displayed only when the gshow command is given.

    Graphics commands apply to the currently selected isigraph control. The graphics window has coordinates running from (0,0) in the bottom left hand corner to (1000,1000) at the top right.

    See the demos, Studio|Demos|isigraph.

    An isipicture control displays an image from a file. The file may be a DIB (device independent bitmap), WMF (Windows metafile) or ICO (icon file). DIB files usually have a file extension of .bmp.

    The set command sets the filename. For example, to display the J logo icon:

       wd 'set isipicture *system\examples\data\j.ico'

    A listbox control displays a list of items that can be selected by the user. Listbox control styles are:

  • lbs_extendsel
  • extended select holding down the Shift key

  • lbs_multicolumn
  • display in multiple columns

  • lbs_multiplesel
  • allow multiple selections

  • lbs_ownerdrawfixed
  • create an ownerdrawn listbox

  • lbs_sort
  • sort entries alphabetically

    Use the set command to put items in the listbox (as in combobox above).

    In the result of wd'q', multiple selections are delimited by LF. For example:

    |listbox       |green blue brown             |
    |listbox_select|1 2 3                        |

    A progress control displays a bar used to indicate the status of a program. Use the set command to set values between 0 and 100. For example, to indicate the half way stage:

       wd 'set pg 50'

    radiobutton controls typically allow a single selection from a group of controls. Selecting one control switches the others off. The only style is:

  • bs_lefttext
  • the caption is displayed on the left, instead of on the right.

    Use the set command to set the value of a radiobutton, for example, to check control rb:

       wd 'set rb 1'

    The result of wd'q' contains the current value of each radiobutton.

    A richedit control is a single line edit box, and a richeditm control is a multiline edit box, each containing rich edit text. Class styles are:

  • es_autohscroll
  • use horizontal scroll bars if required

  • es_autovscroll
  • use vertical scroll bars if required

  • es_center
  • center text

  • es_readonly
  • display text as read-only

  • es_right
  • right justify text in control

  • es_sunken
  • display sunken

    For more information, see the Richedit Control section later in this chapter.

    A scrollbar control displays a horizontal scrollbar, and a scrollbarv displays a vertical scrollbar. There are no class styles.

    The set command sets four values for the scrollbar: leftmost (or top) position, current position, rightmost (or bottom) position, and the size of change resulting from a click in the area between the thumbbox and either end of the scrollbar.

       wd 'set sb 0 500 1000 50'

    A single parameter sets the current position:

       wd 'set sb 600'

    Clicking a scrollbar signals an event. The result of wd'q' has the current position of the scrollbar. For example:

    |sb        |550                         |

    A spin control displays two arrows horizontally, and a spinv control displays the arrows vertically. Clicking an arrow initiates a Windows event, and the result of wd'q' is _1 for the down or left arrow, 1 for the up or right arrow.

    A static control is used to display text. It is never active. Static control styles are:

  • ss_center
  • center text

  • ss_leftnowordwrap
  • left justify, no word wrap

  • ss_noprefix
  • allow & characters in control

  • ss_right
  • right justify text

  • ss_simple
  • static text control

    A static control is used to display boxes with various types of frames and backgrounds. It is never active. Staticbox control styles are:

  • ss_blackframe
  • black frame

  • ss_blackrect
  • black rectangle

  • ss_etchedframe
  • etched frame

  • ss_etchedhorz
  • etched horizontally only

  • ss_etchedvert
  • etched vertically only

  • ss_grayframe
  • gray frame

  • ss_grayrect
  • gray rectangle

  • ss_sunken
  • sunken

  • ss_whiteframe
  • white frame

  • ss_whiterect
  • white rectangle

    A tab control is used to display several Windows controls on tab forms. Class styles are:

  • tcs_button
  • display tabs as buttons

  • tcs_multiline
  • allow tabs to be displayed in several lines

    For more information, see the Tab Control section later in this chapter.

    A trackbar control displays a horizontal trackbar, and a trackbarv displays a vertical trackbar. Class styles are:

  • tbs_autoticks
  • display tick marks along control

  • tbs_both
  • display tick marks on both sides of control

  • tbs_enableselrange
  • enables setselect to mark a range on the trackbar

  • tbs_left
  • display thumb pointing to left / tick marks on left

  • tbs_nothumb
  • do not display a thumb control

  • tbs_noticks
  • do not display any tick marks

  • tbs_top
  • display thumb pointing to top / tick marks on top

    The set command sets up to five values for the trackbar: leftmost (or top) position, current position, rightmost (or bottom) position, and the size of change resulting from a click in the area between the thumbbox and either end of the trackbar, and line size.

       wd 'set tb 0 3 20 1 1'

    A single parameter sets the current position:

       wd 'set tb 4'

    Clicking a trackbar signals an event. The result of wd'q' has the current position of the trackbar. For example:

    |tb          |4                         |

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