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Controlling the Session Manager

A J program can use the Window Driver wd to access some aspects of the Session Manager, such as the Tools menu document windows. The names of Window Driver commands specific to the session manager start with the letters sm.

Tools Menu
You can add your own menu items to the Tools menu using smsetcmd. These also define the function keys. Your menu items can be accessed either by selecting the item directly from the Tools menu, or by pressing the corresponding function key. Function keys F2-F9 are available for this purpose.

The form is:

   wd 'smsetcmd num type name sentence;'


  • num corresponds to the function key being defined.

  • type is one of :
    0 = remove definition
    1 = add definition, when invoked displays the sentence being run.
    2 = add definition, when invoked does not display the sentence being run.

  • name is the text that appears on the Tools menu

  • sentence is the sentence that will be run when the menu item is invoked.

    For example, the following will assign the sentence load 'laserjet' to the function key F2 and corresponding menu item LaserJet. The sentence will display when invoked:

       wd 'smsetcmd 2 1 "LaserJet" "load ''laserjet''";'

    When you next select the Tools menu, you will see the new menu item LaserJet. It is a good idea to define a "HotKey" letter and include the number of the corresponding function key in the menu item. If you do this, you can also right-justify the function key name by preceding it with a TAB. Thus, the above command could have been entered as:

       wd 'smsetcmd 2 1 "&LaserJet',TAB,'F2" "load ''laserjet''";'

    The menu item will now appear as:

       LaserJet F2

    To remove this definition, enter:

       wd 'smsetcmd 2 0;'

    Document Windows
    There are several Window Driver commands to access the document windows. In most cases, you must first select the window that is to be the target of subsequent commands (this need not be the active window). To select a window, you actually select its filename:

    file name of selected window
    file names of all windows
    size of current execution window
    file name of current execution window
    size of selected window (pixels)
    size of MDI client area (pixels)
    appends text to selected window
    cascade windows
    close selected window
    activates selected window
    smmove xywh
    move and size selected window (pixels)
    opens selected filename, if not already open
    reads data from selected window
    saves selected window (if modified)
    smscroll n
    scrolls selected window
    set selected text
    selects window, by its filename
    smshow param
    shows selected window, with parameters from the set:
    sw_hide              sw_maximize
    sw_minimize          sw_restore
    sw_show              sw_showmaximized
    sw_showminimized     sw_showminnoactive
    sw_showna            sw_shownoactivate
    smssetcmd n t name sentence
    modifies Tools menu
    tile windows down
    tile windows across
    writes text to selected window

    For example, the following will open file user\mywork.ijs for editing and make it the active window:

       wd 'smsel "user\mywork.ijs";smopen;smfocus'

    Having opened the window, you could write some text (e.g. in the noun TXT) to it as follows:

       wd 'smwrite *',TXT

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