The following are the public properties of the base jzgrid class.
Name | Default | Description |
atts | see resetatts | attribute matrix |
borders | {empty} | border definitions |
dataname | {none} | name of variable displayed in grid |
defheight | 20 | default cell height |
defwidth | 50 | default cell width |
editenable | 0 | set to 1 when editing is enabled |
editflag | 0 | set to 1 if editing cell |
extent | 1 1 | extent of selection |
filltype | 0 | fill type for other cells |
fixc | 1 | number of fixed columns |
fixeddata | 0 | 1 if all data is supplied at one go |
fixr | 1 | number of fixed rows |
fixtype | 0 | fill type for a fixed cell |
font0 | courier new 12 | font0, default '"courier new" 18' |
font1 | arial 12 | font1, default 'arial 18' |
formhwnd | {none} | form window handle |
gridhs | {empty} | grid heights |
gridhwnd | {none} | grid control handle |
gridws | {empty} | grid widths |
mark | 0 0 | top left row,col of selected data |
maxc | _ | max number of columns |
maxr | _ | max number of rows |
sbarid | {none} | id of the scrollbar |
sbarvid | {none} | id of the scrollbarv |
scrollc | 0 | cols scrolled out of view |
scrollr | 0 | rows scrolled out of view |
sizeenable | 0 | set to 1 if user can resize cells |
skipc | 0 | skipped cols |
skipr | 0 |
skipped rows |
Name | Description |
highlight |
highlight expression |