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isigraph events

An isigraph control supports character and mouse events. The Code Dialog in the form editor lists all events for an isigraph control.

char isij with boxes

size resize event (OpenGL, gl2 must request with glwantresize)

paint event (OpenGL only)
mmove mouse move event

mbldbl mouse button left double-click
mbldown mouse button left down
mblup mouse button left up

mbrdbl mouse button right double-click
mbrdown mouse button right down
mbrup mouse button right up

For mouse events the wdhandler variable sysdata contains:
x y width height leftbutton rightbutton ctrl shift

The x y width and height are in pixels and the other values are 1 if the corresponding button or key was down when the event occurred.

For a char event sysdata contains the value of the character. Characters, such as HOME, END, or the arrow keys are returned as 128+VK_name (virtual key) as defined in packages\graphics\vkeys.js.

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