Print and complete the form, then send to Jsoftware Inc., 19235 Covington Court, Shorewood, Minnesota, USA, 55331, email [email protected], fax 952 470-9202.
Checks must be in US dollars on a US bank, or you can send international postal money orders in US dollars.
A prokey is licensed for a single J system. A separate Pro key must be purchased for each operating system.
Item: | Price | Total |
J Professional Key (prokey): | $895 | -------- |
J Manual Set: | $150 | -------- |
J CDROM: | $100 | -------- |
Fractals, Visualization & J | $80 | -------- |
Concrete Math Companion: | $40 | -------- |
Exploring Math: | $50 | -------- |
Shipping and Handling: $20 U.S., $25 Canada, $50 Elsewhere | -------- | |
Total: | -------- |
Payment: [ ] VISA [ ] Mastercard [ ] American Express [ ] Check/money order enclosed | |
Card Number ____________________________ Expiry Date _______________ | |
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Date:__________________ | |
Name:_______________________________________________ | |
Company:___________________________________________ | |
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City, State, Zip:_______________________________________ | |
Country:____________________________________________ | |
Phone:___________________ | E-Mail:___________________ |