Name | Type | Description |
cile | verb | x. cile values of y. |
fitrect01 | verb | fit rectangle data to 0 1 |
fitrect11 | verb | fit rectangle data to _1 1 |
fit01 | verb | fit data to range 0 1 |
fit11 | verb | fit data to range _1 1 |
gbitmap | verb | bitmap viewer using isigraph control |
gbrush | verb | set brush color |
gclear | verb | clear graphics window |
gfit | verb | fit data to graphics window |
glines | verb | display line connecting points |
gopen | verb | open graphics window |
gpen | verb | set pen color [;width,style] |
gpolygon | verb | draw polygon given points |
grayscale | verb | generate grayscale |
grgb | verb | set color values |
gscale | verb | scale from (-1,1) to (0,1000) |
gshow | verb | {parent} gshow graph |
hue | verb | generate color from color set |
hueRGB | verb | generate color from RGB color se |
polygon | verb | vertices of a regular polygon |
rotate | verb | rotate angle by given amount |
x. cile values of y. example: 3 cile i.12
fit rectangle data to 0 1 form: [anisotropic] fitrect01 data if left argument is 1, applies same factors to both columns otherwise, scales columns independently.
fit data to range 0 1 form: [anisotropic] fit data if left argument is 1, scales columns independently, otherwise applies same factors to all data,
bitmap viewer using isigraph control y. is a boolean matrix Note max size is about 80 x 80 - after which the graphics buffer is full. This function is fast for small bitmaps. Use viewbmp in bmp.ijs to display larger bitmaps. e.g. gshow gbitmap ?40 40$2 [gopen''
fit data to graphics window scales each column of data independently to range (0,1000)
display line connecting points {color;width;style} glines points points should be a 2 column matrix of xy values
open graphics window y. = controlname;parentname if either empty, default to 'isigraph' e.g gopen '' gopen '';'J Graphics'
set pen color [;width,style] (default 1,0}
draw polygon given points {color} gpolygon points
generate grayscale example: grayscale (i.%<:) 5
generate color from color set x. is color set y. is values from 0 to 1, selecting color
generate color from RGB color se x. is RGB color set (default HUES) y. is values from 0 to 1, selecting color
vertices of a regular polygon y. = number of points x. = scale factor on angle 2p1%y. (default 1) e.g. polygon 5 = pentagon 2 polygon 5 = 5 pointed star
rotate angle by given amount e.g. 0.5p1 rotate points = rotate clockwise a quarter turn