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numeric: numeric utilities

Name Type Description
baserep verb y. in base x.
clean verb clean y. to tolerance of x. (default 1e_10)
colsum verb sum data columns of matrix by key
groupndx verb group indices of y. in x.
int01 verb interval in n steps from 0 to 1 (= steps 0 1,n)
linsert verb linear insert x. (default 2) steps into y.
randomize verb sets a random value into random link
range verb range from a to b [in steps of c]
recur verb solves recurrence r(i)=a(i)+r(i-1)*m(i-1)
round verb round y. to nearest x. (e.g. 1000 round 12345)
rounddist verb round y. to nearest x. preserving total
roundint verb round to nearest integer
steps verb steps from a to b in c steps


clean y. to tolerance of x. (default 1e_10)
form: tolerance (default 1e_10) clean numbers
sets values less than tolerance to 0


sum data columns of matrix by key
form: key colsum mat
sum data columns of matrix on key columns
e.g. if column 2 of mat is age, then
   2 colsum mat
sums the remaining columns by age


group indices of y. in x.
Return group indices of elements of y.
x. is an integer vector of the starting numbers of each group,
assumed to be in ascending order.
e.g.  0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2  =  0 3 6 groupndx i.8
i.e.  <:@(+/@(<:/))


solves recurrence r(i)=a(i)+r(i-1)*m(i-1)
form: r = m recur a
  r(0) = a(0)
  r(i) = a(i)+r(i-1)*m(i-1)
e.g    1.05 1.10 recur 100 100 100
    100 205 325.5


round y. to nearest x. preserving total
distributive rounding
round y. to nearest x. preserving total to nearest x.
e.g.    0.1 rounddist 6$0.45
     0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4


steps from a to b in c steps
form: steps a,b,c

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