Name | Type | Description |
sdaccept | verb | accept connection |
sdasync | verb | set up async connection for the socket |
sdbind | verb | bind socket |
sdcheck | verb | check socket for errors |
sdcleanup | verb | initialize winsock |
sdclose | verb | close socket |
sdconnect | verb | connect to the socket |
sdgethostbyaddr | verb | returns a name from an address |
sdgethostbyname | verb | returns an address from a name |
sdgethostname | verb | returns host name |
sdgetpeername | verb | returns address this socket is connected to |
sdgetsockets | verb | returns all socket numbers |
sdgetsockname | verb | returns address of this socket |
sdioctl | verb | read or write socket control information |
sdlisten | verb | set up listener for the socket |
sdrecv | verb | read data |
sdrecvfrom | verb | read data from |
sdselect | verb | find sockets that need work |
sdsend | verb | send data |
sdsendto | verb | send data |
sdsetsockopt | verb | sets the value of a socket option. |
sdsockaddress | verb | returns address |
sdsockerror | verb | retrieve socket error code |
sdsocket | verb | creates a socket |
accept connection y. - socket ++
set up async connection for the socket +-
bind socket y. - socket , family , address , port ++
check socket for errors ++ socket utilities
initialize winsock ++
close socket y. - socket
connect to the socket y. - socket , family , address , port ++
returns a name from an address y. - host ip address ++
returns an address from a name y. - host name ++
returns host name ++
returns address this socket is connected to y. active socket +-
returns all socket numbers ++
returns address of this socket y. active socket +-
read or write socket control information +-
set up listener for the socket y. - socket;queue_length SOMAXCONN - The maximum length of the queue of pending connections ++
read data y.- socket,data_size,An indicator specifying the way in which the call is made (0) ++
read data from y.- socket,data_size,An indicator specifying the way in which the call is made (0) -+
send data y.- socket;An indicator specifying the way in which the call is made (0) x.- data ++
send data y.- socket ; flags ; family ; address ; port x.- data ++ ?
sets the value of a socket option. +-
returns address y. active socket ++
retrieve socket error code >WSAGetLastErrorJ ''
creates a socket ++