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stdlib: standard library

Name Type Description
adverb noun integer 1
assert verb assert value is true
bind conj binds argument to a monadic verb
boxopen verb box argument if open
boxxopen verb box argument if open and 0<#
bx verb indices of 1's in boolean
clear verb clear all names in locale
conjunction noun integer 2
cutopen verb cut argument if open
CR noun carriage return character
CRLF noun CR LF pair
datatype verb noun datatype
def conj : (explicit definition)
define adverb : 0 (explicit definition script form)
do verb name for ".
drop verb name for }.
dyad noun integer 4
each adverb each (&.>)
empty verb return empty result (i.0 0)
erase verb erase namelist
every adverb every (&>)
expand verb boolean expand
EAV noun ascii 255 character
fetch verb name for {::
FF noun formfeed character
inverse adverb inverse (^:_1)
leaf adverb leaf (L:0)
list verb list data formatted in columns
LF noun linefeed character
monad noun integer 3
nameclass verb name for 4!:0
namelist verb name for 4!:1
names verb formatted namelist
nc verb name for 4!:0
nl verb selective namelist
noun noun integer 0
on conj name for @:
pick verb pick (>@{)
rows adverb rows ("1)
script verb load script, cover for 0!:0
scriptd verb load script with display, cover for 0!:1
sign adverb sign (*)
smoutput verb output to session
sort verb sort up
split verb split head from tail
table adverb function table
take verb name for {.
toCRLF verb converts character strings to CRLF delimiter
toHOST verb converts character strings to Host delimiter
toJ verb converts character strings to J delimiter (linefeed)
tolower verb convert text to lower case
toupper verb convert text to upper case
type verb object type
TAB noun tab character
verb noun integer 3
wcsize verb size of execution window


assert value is true
assertion failure if  0 e. y.
e.g. 'invalid age' assert 0 <: age


binds argument to a monadic verb
binds monadic verb to an argument creating a new verb
that ignores its argument.
e.g.  fini=: wdinfo bind 'finished...'


box argument if open
boxxopen    - box argument if open and # is not zero
e.g. if script=: 0!:0 @ boxopen, then either
  script 'work.ijs'  or  script <'work.ijs'
use cutopen to allow multiple arguments.


clear all names in locale
        returns any names not erased
        also clears LOADED_j_
example: clear 'myloc'


cut argument if open
this allows an open argument to be given where a boxed list is required.
most common situations are handled. it is similar to boxopen, except
allowing multiple arguments in the character string.

x. is optional delimiters, default LF if in y., else blank
y. is boxed or an open character array.

if y. is boxed it is returned unchanged, otherwise:
if y. has rank 2 or more, the boxed major cells are returned
if y. has rank 0 or 1, it is cut on delimiters in given in x., or
  if x. not given, LF if in y. else blank. Empty items are deleted.

 e.g. if script=: 0!:0 @ cutopen, then
  script 'work.ijs util.ijs'


boolean expand
form: boolean expand data


list data formatted in columns
syntax:   {width} list data
accepts data as one of:
  boxed list
  character vector, delimited by CR, LF or CRLF; or by ' '
  character matrix
formats in given width, default screenwidth


selective namelist
Form:  [mp] nl sel

  sel:  one or more integer name classes, or a name list.
        if empty use: 0 1 2 3.
  mp:   optional matching pattern. If mp contains '*', list names
        containing mp, otherwise list names starting mp. If mp
        contains '~', list names that do not match.

 e.g. 'f' nl 3      - list verbs that begin with 'f'
      '*com nl ''   - list names containing 'com'


split head from tail
   split 'abcde'
   2 split 'abcde'


function table
table   - function table  (adverb)
e.g.   1 2 3 * table 10 11 12 13
       +. table i.13

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