Name | Type | Description |
wd | verb | main window driver, name for 11!:0 |
wdbox | verb | box wd argument |
wdcenter | verb | center form on another |
wdclipread | verb | read clipboard |
wdclipwrite | verb | write to clipboard |
wde | verb | as wd but displays error and signals break |
wdfit | verb | fit form in window |
wdget | verb | get values from matrix, e.g. wd'q' |
wdhandler | verb | wd handler |
wdinfo | verb | information box |
wdisparent | verb | return 1 if a parent window |
wdmove | verb | position window, relative to side of screen |
wdpclose | verb | close parent window |
wdqshow | verb | display result of wdq |
wdquery | verb | query box |
wdreset | verb | reset window driver |
wdselect | verb | selection box |
wdstatus | verb | put status message on screen |
wdview | verb | text viewer |
box wd argument use this to analyze arguments to wd in code: whs=whitepace, del=delimiters
center form on another form: wdcenter xywh use this to center a form on another
fit form in window y. is two integers for horizontal and vertical in each case, the entire form will be shown values are: 0 move the side out of view back into the window - typically reduces the form size 1 move the form so it is all visible - typically leaves the form size unchanged 2 stretch the form to the window 3 maximize the form to full screen, hiding caption and borders an empty argument is treated as 1 1
get values from matrix, e.g. wd'q' utility to index 2-column boxed array, e.g. result of wd 'q' form: names wdget data returns items in second column indexed on names in first column result is boxed if left argument is boxed e.g. 'sysfocus' wdget wdq
wd handler runs in form locale sets global event data: wdq runs first found of: form_handler, form_event, form_default, with global event variables from wdq if debug is off, wraps event handler in try. catch. catch exits if error message is the last picked up by debug.
information box syntax: wdinfo [title;] message
position window, relative to side of screen form: [window] wdmove offset offset is the xy offset. if >: 0 the offset is from topleft if < 0 the offset is from bottomright (less 1) e.g. 0 0 = topleft _1 _1 = bottomright 5 _11 = 5 from left, 10 from bottom
display result of wdq display wdq result - useful for testing forms
query box form: [opt] wdquery [title;] message opt has one or two elements: 0{ = 0 okcancel (ok=0 cancel=1) 1 retrycancel (retry=0 cancel=1) 2 yesno (yes=0 no=1) 3 yesnocancel (yes=0 no=1 cancel=2) 4 abortretryignore (abort=0 retry=1 ignore=2) 1{ = default button (0, 1 or 2)
selection box windows selection box y. is a either: boxed list of choices or: title ; <boxed list of choices if y. is empty, closes selection box if open. x. is optional of up to 3 values (default 0). the second and third options are only referenced when the box is created: 0{ initial selection 1{ 0=single selection, 1=multiple selection 2{ 0=close on exit, 1=leave open if selection made returns 2 item boxed list: 0{ 0=cancel, 1=accept 1{ indices of selections
put status message on screen write status message on screen {title} wdstatus message - write message wdstatus '' - close message box default text size is 1 row of 50 characters. for a larger size, call wdstatus initially with a message of the required size (pad with blanks if necessary). once created, the message box is not resized.
text viewer y. is text or header;text [;wrap;print;top (default 0 1 0)] x. is optional window name uses standard Windows edit control, which is limited to around 20K in size.