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throw. cuts the stack back to the catcht. section of a try. and resumes execution there; a throw. executed outside of a try. with a catcht. causes a return to immediate execution.

For example:
main=: 3 : 0
  sub y.
  select. type_jthrow_
   case. 'aaaa' do. 'throw aaaa'  
   case. 'bbb'  do. 'throw bbb'   
   case. 'cc'   do. 'throw cc' 
   case.        do. throw.   NB. handled by higher-level catcht. (if any)

sub=: 3 : 0
 if. y.<0 do. type_jthrow_=: 'aaaa' throw. end.
 if. y.<4 do. type_jthrow_=: 'bbb'  throw. end.
 if. y.<8 do. type_jthrow_=: 'cc'   throw. end.
 (":y.),' not thrown'

   main _4
throw aaaa
   main 1
throw bbb
   main 5
throw cc
   main 88
88 not thrown
A throw. can communicate information back to a catcht. through the use of a global name in a locale, as illustrated in the examples above.

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