try. B0 catch. B1 catchd. B2 catcht. B3 end.The try/catch control structure may contain one or more distinct occurrences of catch. catchd. catcht. , in any order. For example: try. B0 catch. B1 end. try. B0 catcht. B1 catchd. B2 end. try. B0 catcht. B1 catch. B2 catchd. B3 end.The B0 block is executed and: catch. catches errors, whatever the setting of the debug flag 13!:0 catchd. catches errors, but only if the debug flag is 0 catcht. catches a throw. |
f=: 4 : 0 try. try. 3+y. catch. *:x. end. catch. 'x and y are both bad' end. ) 13 f 7 10 13 f 'primogeniture' 169 'sui' f 'generis' x and y are both bad