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Suffix m\.  u\.  _ 0 _ Outfix

u\.y has #y items resulting from applying u to suffixes of y , beginning with one of length #y (that is, y itself), and continuing through a suffix of length 1 .

m\.y applies successive verbs from the gerund m to the suffixes of y , extending m cyclically as required.
  If x>:0 in x u\. y , then u applies to outfixes of y obtained by suppressing successive infixes of length x . If x<0 , the outfixes result from suppressing non-overlapping infixes, the last of which may be a shard.

x m\.y applies successive verbs from the gerund m to the outfixes of y, extending m cyclically as required.

   */\. y=: 1 2 3 4 5
120 120 60 20 5

   <\. y
|1 2 3 4 5|2 3 4 5|3 4 5|4 5|5|

   3 <\. 'abcdefgh'

   _3 <\. 'abcdefgh'

   ]m=: i.3 3
0 1 2
3 4 5
6 7 8

   <"_2 (minors=: 1&(|:\.)"2^:2) m
|4 5|3 5|3 4|
|7 8|6 8|6 7|
|1 2|0 2|0 1|
|7 8|6 8|6 7|
|1 2|0 2|0 1|
|4 5|3 5|3 4|

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