cj=:\@\ < cj (+/) a=:i.3 3 c +-----+-----+-------+ / \ |0 1 2|0 1 2|0 1 2| a1 a2 | |3 5 7|3 5 7| | | | | |9 12 15| x y +-----+-----+-------+ (<\)@(+/\) a (*/) cj (+/) a +-----+-----+-------+ 0 1 2 |0 1 2|0 1 2|0 1 2| 0 5 14 | |3 5 7|3 5 7| 0 60 210 | | |9 12 15| +-----+-----+-------+The explicit form of defining conjunctions treated in the exercises of Section 18 can be used to produce an equivalent conjunction CJ as shown below. The corresponding tacit definition is produced by 12 : s :
s=: 0 : 0 (x.\)@(y.\) ) CJ=: 2 : s (*/) CJ (+/) a 0 1 2 0 5 14 0 60 210 12 : s \ @ \
24.1 | Use the display of 12 : s as a guide in defining an equivalent conjunction C , and compare the resulting definition with the simpler definition used for cj . |