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Inside Boxes

a0=: each=: &.> Apply verb to each box
m1=: open=: -:> :: 1: Test if open (not boxed)
v2=: fmt=: ": Format
m3=: just=: 3 : 0
9!:3 (2) NB. Boxed display
9!:17 y. NB. Box justification
Set function display to boxed form, and set justification within boxes to y
m4=: L. = 0: Test if open
m5=: < -: {:@;~ Test if open
m6=: 32&>@(3!:0) Test if open
m7=: <^:(L. = 0:) Box if open

The adverb each applies its verb argument to the "inside" of each box of the argument of the resulting function, as illustrated below:

   ]c=: <"1 <"2 i.3 3 3 2
¦¦0 1¦ 6  7¦12 13¦¦¦18 19¦24 25¦30 31¦¦¦36 37¦42 43¦48 49¦¦
¦¦2 3¦ 8  9¦14 15¦¦¦20 21¦26 27¦32 33¦¦¦38 39¦44 45¦50 51¦¦
¦¦4 5¦10 11¦16 17¦¦¦22 23¦28 29¦34 35¦¦¦40 41¦46 47¦52 53¦¦

   |. each c
¦¦12 13¦ 6  7¦0 1¦¦¦30 31¦24 25¦18 19¦¦¦48 49¦42 43¦36 37¦¦
¦¦14 15¦ 8  9¦2 3¦¦¦32 33¦26 27¦20 21¦¦¦50 51¦44 45¦38 39¦¦
¦¦16 17¦10 11¦4 5¦¦¦34 35¦28 29¦22 23¦¦¦52 53¦46 47¦40 41¦¦

   |. each each c
¦¦4 5¦10 11¦16 17¦¦¦22 23¦28 29¦34 35¦¦¦40 41¦46 47¦52 53¦¦
¦¦2 3¦ 8  9¦14 15¦¦¦20 21¦26 27¦32 33¦¦¦38 39¦44 45¦50 51¦¦
¦¦0 1¦ 6  7¦12 13¦¦¦18 19¦24 25¦30 31¦¦¦36 37¦42 43¦48 49¦¦

    |. each each each c
¦¦¦0¦1¦¦¦6 ¦7 ¦¦¦12¦13¦¦¦¦¦18¦19¦¦¦24¦25¦¦¦30¦31¦¦¦¦¦36¦37¦¦¦42¦43¦¦¦48¦49¦¦¦
¦¦¦2¦3¦¦¦8 ¦9 ¦¦¦14¦15¦¦¦¦¦20¦21¦¦¦26¦27¦¦¦32¦33¦¦¦¦¦38¦39¦¦¦44¦45¦¦¦50¦51¦¦¦

The display of a non-uniform boxed array illustrates the fact that boxed elements are normally justified to the top left. For example:

   ]a=: 2 2$'Baker';'John';('Apt 316','Temple St',:'York, Pa');617 204 4567
¦Baker    ¦John        ¦
¦Apt 316  ¦617 204 4567¦
¦Temple St¦            ¦
¦York, Pa ¦            ¦

When applied to a boxed right argument, the left argument of the format function specifies the justification within a display, using 0, 1, and 2 for top, centre, bottom, and for left, centre, right:

   fmt=: ":
   1 1 fmt a	Centred rows and columns
¦  Baker  ¦    John    ¦
¦Apt 316  ¦            ¦
¦Temple St¦617 204 4567¦
¦York, Pa ¦            ¦
   ;/all=: 3 3 #: i. 3 3
¦0 0¦1 0¦2 0¦
¦0 1¦1 1¦2 1¦
¦0 2¦1 2¦2 2¦

   $ all fmt a
3 3 7 25

   <"2 all fmt a
¦¦Baker    ¦John        ¦¦¦  Baker  ¦    John    ¦¦¦    Baker¦        John¦¦
¦¦Apt 316  ¦617 204 4567¦¦¦Apt 316  ¦617 204 4567¦¦¦Apt 316  ¦617 204 4567¦¦
¦¦Temple St¦            ¦¦¦Temple St¦            ¦¦¦Temple St¦            ¦¦
¦¦York, Pa ¦            ¦¦¦York, Pa ¦            ¦¦¦York, Pa ¦            ¦¦
¦¦Baker    ¦John        ¦¦¦  Baker  ¦    John    ¦¦¦    Baker¦        John¦¦
¦¦Apt 316  ¦            ¦¦¦Apt 316  ¦            ¦¦¦Apt 316  ¦            ¦¦
¦¦Temple St¦617 204 4567¦¦¦Temple St¦617 204 4567¦¦¦Temple St¦617 204 4567¦¦
¦¦York, Pa ¦            ¦¦¦York, Pa ¦            ¦¦¦York, Pa ¦            ¦¦
¦¦Baker    ¦John        ¦¦¦  Baker  ¦    John    ¦¦¦    Baker¦        John¦¦
¦¦Apt 316  ¦            ¦¦¦Apt 316  ¦            ¦¦¦Apt 316  ¦            ¦¦
¦¦Temple St¦            ¦¦¦Temple St¦            ¦¦¦Temple St¦            ¦¦
¦¦York, Pa ¦617 204 4567¦¦¦York, Pa ¦617 204 4567¦¦¦York, Pa ¦617 204 4567¦¦

The diagonal elements of this display are also given by the scalar left arguments 0, 1, and 2. Moreover, 9!:16 can be used to set the default justification of boxed displays, as it is in the function just, which first sets the function display to the boxed form. For example:

   totient=: * -.@%@~.&.q:
   just 1 

¦ ¦+---------------------+¦
¦ ¦¦+-------------+¦  ¦  ¦¦
¦ ¦¦¦+------+¦ ¦  ¦¦  ¦  ¦¦
¦ ¦¦¦+------+¦ ¦  ¦¦  ¦  ¦¦
¦ ¦¦+-------------+¦  ¦  ¦¦
¦ ¦+---------------------+¦

   just 2

¦ ¦+---------------------+¦
¦ ¦¦+-------------+¦  ¦  ¦¦
¦ ¦¦¦+------+¦ ¦  ¦¦  ¦  ¦¦
¦ ¦¦¦¦-.¦@¦%¦¦ ¦  ¦¦  ¦  ¦¦
¦ ¦¦¦+------+¦@¦~.¦¦  ¦  ¦¦
¦ ¦¦+-------------+¦&.¦q:¦¦

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