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Any re-ordering or permutation of the integers i.n is called a permutation vector of order n. If p is a permutation vector, then p&{ is the corresponding permutation function. For example:

   p=: 4 5 2 1 0 3
   text=: 'ABCDEF'
   p { text

   p&{ text

The phrase k=: A. p gives the index of the permutation vector p in the ordered list of !n permutation vectors of order n, and the function k&A. is the corresponding permutation function. For example:

   ]k=: A. p

   k A. text

   (i.!3) A. i. 3
0 1 2
0 2 1
1 0 2
1 2 0
2 0 1
2 1 0

The phrase c=: C. p gives the (boxed) cycle representation of p, and either p&C. or c&C. provide the corresponding permutation function. For example:

   ]c=: C. p
¦2¦4 0¦5 3 1¦

   c C. text

In the phrases p C. x and c C. x, the order of the permutation is determined by the number of items in x, and abbreviated vectors p and c may therefore be used unambiguously:

   3 1 C. text		Move items to tail

   (<3 1) C. text		Interchange items

   (<3 1 4) C. text	Rotate items

The application of C. to any abbreviated representation produces the standard form, and two applications of C. therefore provide the standard form for any representation. For example:

   C. 3 1
¦0¦3 1 2¦

   C. C. 3 1
0 2 3 1

   C. C. <3 1
¦0¦2¦3 1¦

   C. C. <3 1 4
¦0¦2¦4 3 1¦
m0 =: /: Inverse permutation vector
m1 =: /:&.C. Inverse cycle
m2 =: (-: >) :: 0: Not-a-box test
m3 =: m1`m0 @. m2 Inverse permutation
m4 =: C.^:2 Put permutation into standard form
m5 =: (<0 _1)&C. Interchange first and last items
m6 =: _1&A. Reverse
m7 =: 3&A. Rotate last three to the left
m8 =: 4&A. Rotate last three right
d9 =: ([: +/[:![:}.[:i.[) A. ] Rotate last x to the left
d10=: (!@[ - !@<:@[) A. ] Rotate last x to the right
m11 =: /:~ Sort up
m12 =: \:~ Sort down
m13 =: ?~ Random permutation of order y
m14=: /:@:?@$~ Random permutation of order y
m15=: ?@! A. i. Random permutation of order y
d16=: A. i. x-th permutation of order y
m17=: all=: i.@! A. i. All permutations of order y
m18=: ,:@i.`([: ,/ 0&,.@ ($:&.<:){"2 1 \:"1@=@i.)@.(1&<) All permutations of order y (recursive definition)
m19=: pow=: {^:(]`(i.@#@[)) Permutation x to the power y
m20=: [: {/ ] $ ,:@[ Permutation x to the power y
m21=: i.@#@[C.~(#&>@C.@[| ])#C.@[ Permutation x to the power y
m22=: pow 2&^ Permutation x to the power 2^y
m23=: 3 : (':'; '{~^:y. x.') Permutation x to the power 2^y
m24=: {~@]^:(]`[) Permutation x to the power 2^y
m25=: ord=: *./@(#&>"_)@C. The order of a permutation
m26=: sg=: pow i.@ord Subgroup generated by permutation y
m27=: [: {/\ ord $ ,: "
m28=: ~.@(,/)@({"1/~)^:_@(i.@#,:]) " § 4.4 Hui [4]
d29=: \:@[{] Move items located by x to front of y
m30=: 1: |. ] Rotate y by 1 to the left (or up)
d31=: !@[ * ! Number of perms of y objects x at a time
m32=: (] {~ [: /: ] = ' '"_)"1 Move all blanks to end of row
d33=: /:@[ { ] Move items located by x to end of y
m34=: _1: |. ] Rotate y by 1 to the right (or down)
m35=: ~.@(,/)@({"1/~)^:_@(i.@{:@$,]) Subgroup generated by a matrix of permutations
m36=: {"1/~ The group table of a matrix of permutations
m37=: ugt=: ~.@(,/)@({"1/~) The unique elements of the permutation group
m38=: pbi=: i.@{:@$ , ] Preface a matrix of permutations by the identity
m39=: ugt^:_ @ pbi The subgroup generated by a matrix of permutations (same as m35)

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