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Plot Class

Plot is defined in class jzplot.

Public verbs are pd and plot.

Public nouns specify the Windows form and isigraph control id, where these differ from the default plot.





form handle



form handle

defined when the form is created


isigraph control id


Example: create two plots

The following draws two independent plots:

load 'jzplot'          NB. load plot class

a=: conew 'jzplot' NB. create plot object a b=. conew 'jzplot' NB. create plot object b plot__a */~ i.20 NB. draw plot in a

plot__b +./~ i.20 NB. draw plot in b

Example: add plot to a form

In this case, you need to define the public nouns PForm, PFormhwnd and PId. These override the default values.

load 'jzplot'

MYPLOT=: 0 : 0
pc myplot closeok;
xywh 2 2 125 100;cc g0 isigraph ws_border rightscale bottommove;
xywh 131 3 34 11;cc close button leftmove rightmove;cn "Close";
pas 2 2;pcenter;
rem form end;

myplot_close_button=: wd bind 'pclose'
a=: conew 'jzplot'             NB. create plot object
PForm__a=: 'myplot'            NB. define PForm in a
PFormhwnd__a=: wd 'qhwndp'     NB. define PFormhwnd in a
PId__a=: 'g0'                  NB. define PId in a

'density' plot__a 7|i.25 25    NB. draw plot on the form

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