Name | Type | Description |
fappend | verb | append text to file |
fappends | verb | append string to file |
fcopynew | verb | copies files if changed |
fcopynews | verb | copies files as strings if changed |
fdir | verb | file directory |
ferase | verb | erases a file |
fexist | verb | test if a file exists |
fread | verb | read file |
freadr | verb | read records from flat file |
freads | verb | read file as string |
freplace | verb | replace text in file |
fselect | verb | file selection dialog |
fsize | verb | return file size |
fss | verb | file string search |
fssrplc | verb | file string search and replace |
fstamp | verb | returns file timestamp |
fview | verb | view file |
fwrite | verb | write text to file |
fwrites | verb | write string to file |
append text to file The text is first ravelled. The file is created if necessary. Returns number of characters written, or an error message. form: text fappend filename example: 'chatham' fappend 'newfile.txt' 7
append string to file The text is first ravelled into a vector with each row terminated by the CRLF pair. Any single LF or CR characters in the text are converted into the CRLF pair. The file is created if necessary. Returns number of characters written, or an error message.
copies files if changed form: tofile fcopynew fromfiles returns: 0, size not changed 1, size changed _1 failure
copies files as strings if changed form: tofile fcopynews fromfiles returns: 0, size not changed 1, size changed _1 failure
file directory example: fdir 'system\main\s*.ijs'
erases a file Returns 1 if successful, otherwise _1
test if a file exists Returns 1 if the file exists, otherwise 0.
read file y. is filename {;start size} x. is optional: = b read as boxed vector = m read as matrix = s read as string (same as freads)
read records from flat file y. is filename {;record start, # of records} records are assumed of fixed length delimited by one (only) of CR, LF, or CRLF. the result is a matrix of records.
read file as string y. is filename {;start size} x. is optional (b and m same as fread): = b read as boxed vector = m read as matrix freads
replace text in file form: dat freplace file;pos
file selection dialog y. = DOS filespec or '' x. = optional file type list returns user selection
return file size returns file size or _1 if error
file string search form: str fss file search file for string, returning indices
file string search and replace form: (old;new) fssrplc file
view file uses standard Windows edit control, which is limited to around 20K size.