Name | Type | Description |
center | verb | center text in given width |
clipfmt | verb | format data for clipboard |
clipunfmt | verb | unformat data read from clipboard |
colhdr | verb | define column headers |
expandby | conj | expand data with a given value |
expandn | verb | expand data at every nth item |
flatten | verb | flatten array to a character string |
fmt | verb | format a numeric matrix, various format specs |
fold | verb | fold text to width |
hexdump | verb | show text as hex and ascii characters |
nfmt | verb | simple numeric formatter |
ruler | verb | formatted ruler |
sqzint | verb | squeeze list of positive integers into short form |
sqzrun | verb | squeeze list of numbers into short form |
xfmt | verb | format extended integers |
center text in given width form: width center text
format data for clipboard format array of rank 0 1 or 2 for clipboard. columns are separated by TAB, rows by CRLF.
unformat data read from clipboard returns boxed matrix from clipboard result, recognizing TAB and CRLF as separators. characters are not converted to numbers. note this is not a true inverse of clipfmt. e.g. try: clipunfmt clipfmt i.5 6
define column headers returns matrix of column headers. y. = list with columns delimited by semicolons; and lines in each column delimited by commas. x. is wid or (wid;just), where: wid = column widths just = a singleton or vector of: 0 = centre header, then right justify (default) 1 = center header in wid 2 = right justify 3 = left justify e.g. hdr=. 'Number,of,employees;Total,salary;Monthly,net,payment' (15 12 12;1) colhdr hdr
expand data with a given value e.g. 0 1 0 0 1 expandby 99 [ 10 20 99 10 99 99 20
expand data at every nth item n expandn dat expand array at every nth cell. e.g. 'ABC DEF G' = 3 expandn 'ABCDEFG'
flatten array to a character string flattens array to a character string with same display
format a numeric matrix, various format specs syntax: specs fmt nums nums = numeric vector or matrix or boxed list a vector is treated as a 1-row matrix. a boxed list is treated as boxed columns specs= formats, separated by commas, applied to each column, or item if boxed. formats are either edit or positional: edit formats have the form: {o}w{.d}, where: o is optional qualifiers from the set: nr=n repetitions (must be given first) b=blank if zero c=commas z=zero fill w is field width d is decimal places positional formats have the form: xn = n blanks, e.g. x3 e.g. 'c10.3,x2,2rz5' has formats: width 10, decimal places 3, commas 2 blanks width 5, zero fill, repeated twice
fold text to width syntax: {width} fold data data is character vector width defaults to screenwidth
simple numeric formatter simple format of numeric vector or matrix in readable form. opt is optional, up to 3 elements: 0 = maximum decimal places, max 9 (4) 1 = minimum field width (0) 2 = display width (screenwidth)
formatted ruler returns a formatted ruler e.g. ruler 75 horizontal 1 ruler 30 vertical
squeeze list of positive integers into short form Squeeze list of positive integers into short character list. If x. = 1, sort y. first. e.g. sqzint 1 2 3 7 8 9 10 = 1-3,7-10 see also <sqzrun>
squeeze list of numbers into short form Squeeze list of numbers into short character list. e.g. sqzrun 1.1 1.1 1.1 7 9 9 10.25 = 3#1.1,7,2#9,10.25 See also <sqzint>.
format extended integers form: [width] xfmt number groups in 3's up to 1e12, and 5's thereafter