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Definition Summaries

Name Source Type Description
additem jmf v add item to mapped noun
addwmfheader misc v add metafile header to wmf file
adverb stdlib n integer 1
arccos trig v arccos
arccosh trig v arccosh
arcsin trig v arcsin
arcsinh trig v arcsinh
arctan trig v arctan
arctanh trig v arctanh
assert stdlib v assert value is true
av convert v convert between characters and indices
AND dll v bitwise AND (&)
baserep numeric v y. in base x.
betarand statdist v random numbers in a beta distribution
bind stdlib c binds argument to a monadic verb
binomialdist statdist v discrete values for binomial distribution
binomialprob statdist v probability of success in binomial distribution
binomialrand statdist v random numbers 0 and 1 in binomial distribution
bitwise dll a bitwise operations
boxcols misc v box columns of matrix
boxopen stdlib v box argument if open
boxxopen stdlib v box argument if open and 0<#
brep myutil v boxed representation
bx stdlib v indices of 1's in boolean
calendar dates v calendar for year [months]
capitalize text v capitalize text
cauchyrand statdist v random numbers in a cauchy distribution
cd dll v call DLL procedure
cdcb dll v callback address
cder dll v error information
cderx dll v GetLastError information
cdf dll v free DLLs
center format v center text in given width
charsub strings v character substitution
chop misc v chop array into boxed list
cile isigraph v x. cile values of y.
cile statfns v x. cile values of y.
clean numeric v clean y. to tolerance of x. (default 1e_10)
clear stdlib v clear all names in locale
clipfmt format v format data for clipboard
clipunfmt format v unformat data read from clipboard
coclass colib v set current co class
cocreate colib v create object
cocurrent colib v set current locale
codestroy colib v destroy current object
coerase colib v erase object
coextend colib v add class locale to path (before z)
cofind colib v find objects containing name in object:
cofullname colib v return name with locale qualifier
coinfo colib v return info on co classes
colhdr format v define column headers
colsum numeric v sum data columns of matrix by key
comb statfns v combinations of size x. from i.y
compare compare v compare character data
coname colib v return current co name
conames colib v formatted co name list
conew colib v create object
conjunction stdlib n integer 2
conl colib v return co name list
conouns colib v nouns referencing object
conounsx colib v object references with locales
copath colib v set/get co path
copathnl colib v path name list
copathnlx colib v formatted path name list with defining classes
corequire colib v load class if not already loaded
coreset colib v destroy all object locales
corr statfns v correlation
cos trig v cos
cosd trig v cos in degrees
coselect colib v select current locale
cosh trig v cosh
costate colib v state of class objects
cov statfns v covariance
create jselect v create select form
createjmf jmf v create mapped file
cut strings v cut text, by default on blanks
cutopen stdlib v cut argument if open
cutpara text v cut text into boxed list of paragraphs
cuts strings v cut y. at x. (conjunction)
cuttext text v cut text into boxed list of texts
COLORTABLE colortab n main colortable
COLOR16 color16 n table of HTML primary colors
CR stdlib n carriage return character
CRLF stdlib n CR LF pair
datatype stdlib v noun datatype
dberm debug v last error message
dberr debug v last error number
dbg debug v turn debugging window on/off
dbjmp debug v jump to line number
dblocals debug v display names and locals on stack
dblxq debug v latent expression query
dblxs debug v latent expression set
dbnxt debug v run next (skip line and run)
dbq debug v queries suspension mode (set by dbr)
dbr debug v reset, set suspension mode (0=disable, 1=enable)
dbret debug v exit and return argument
dbrr debug v re-run with specified arguments
dbrrx debug v re-run with specified executed arguments
dbrun debug v run again (from current stop)
dbs debug v display stack
dbsig debug v signal error
dbsq debug v stop query
dbss debug v stop set
dbst debug v returns stack text
dbstack debug v displays call stack with header
dbstk debug v call stack
dbstop debug v set stops on all lines in namelist
dbstopme debug v set stops on current definition if y.
dbtrace debug v trace control
ddcheck dd v check response, display any error message
ddcnm dd v column names selected by ddsel
ddcnt dd v rowcount of last ddsql command
ddcol dd v column names in the table
ddcom dd v commit transaction
ddcon dd v connect to data source
dddis dd v disconnect from data source
ddend dd v end sql statement started with ddsel
dderr dd v error info on last command (name, source, warning, msg)
ddfch dd v as ddfet, but with data in columns
ddfet dd v fetch next record from selected data
ddrbk dd v rollback transaction
ddsel dd v prepare and execute sql statement (selection)
ddsql dd v prepare, execute, and end sql statement
ddsrc dd v data source names available from ODBC manager
ddtbl dd v selection handle for tables in data source
ddtrn dd v begin transaction
deal random v deal x. items from y. (no repetition)
dealx random v deal x. indices from list y. (no repetition)
deb strings v delete extra blanks
def stdlib c : (explicit definition)
default misc v set default value
define stdlib a : 0 (explicit definition script form)
delstring strings v delete occurrences of x. from y.
destroy jselect v destroy select form
detab convert v remove tab stops
dev statfns v deviation from mean
dfh convert v decimal from hex
dfr trig v degrees from radians
diff misc v second differences
dir dir v directory listings
dircompare dir v compare files in directories
dirfind dir v find name in directory
dirpath dir v directory paths
dirs dir v browse files in directory
dirss dir v directory string search
dirssrplc dir v directory string search and replace
dirtree dir v get filenames in directory tree
dirused dir v get count and space of files in directory tree
discreterand statdist v random numbers in a discrete distribution
dlb strings v delete leading blanks
dltb strings v delete leading and trailing blanks
dltbs strings v delete multiple leading and trailing blanks
do stdlib v name for ".
drawbox write v draw box (outline or solid)
drawgraph write v draw graph (from wmf file)
drawline write v draw line
drop stdlib v name for }.
dropafter strings v drop after x. in y.
dropto strings v drop to x. in y.
dstat statfns v descriptive statistics
dtb strings v delete trailing blanks
dtbs strings v delete multiple trailing blanks in text
dyad stdlib n integer 4
each stdlib a each (&.>)
edit jadelib v edit name
empty stdlib v return empty result (i.0 0)
endpage write v end page
endprint write v end print job
erase stdlib v erase namelist
every stdlib a every (&>)
expand stdlib v boolean expand
expandby format c expand data with a given value
expandn format v expand data at every nth item
exponentialrand statdist v random numbers in an exponential distribution
EAV stdlib n ascii 255 character
fappend files v append text to file
fappends files v append string to file
fc dll v float conversion
fcompare compare v compare two text files
fcopynew files v copies files if changed
fcopynews files v copies files as strings if changed
fdir files v file directory
ferase files v erases a file
fetch stdlib v name for {::
fexist files v test if a file exists
firstones parts v first 1's in partition
fitrect01 isigraph v fit rectangle data to 0 1
fitrect11 isigraph v fit rectangle data to _1 1
fit01 isigraph v fit data to range 0 1
fit11 isigraph v fit data to range _1 1
flatten format v flatten array to a character string
fmt format v format a numeric matrix, various format specs
fmtlines publish v format lines of J code
fmtscript publish v format script
fmtscriptto publish v format script
fold format v fold text to width
foldpara text v fold single paragraph
foldtext text v fold text to given width
fread files v read file
freadr files v read records from flat file
freads files v read file as string
freplace files v replace text in file
freqcount statfns v frequency count
fselect files v file selection dialog
fsize files v return file size
fss files v file string search
fssrplc files v file string search and replace
fstamp files v returns file timestamp
fview files v view file
fwrite files v write text to file
fwrites files v write string to file
FF stdlib n formfeed character
gammarand statdist v random numbers in a gamma distribution
gbitmap isigraph v bitmap viewer using isigraph control
gbrush isigraph v set brush color
gclear isigraph v clear graphics window
gdarc graph v draw arc
gdarc01 graph v draw arc in 0 0 1 1
gdchord graph v draw chord
gdchord01 graph v draw chord in 0 0 1 1
gdcolor graph v set color
gddraw graph v wrapper for draw methods
gdellipse graph v draw ellipse
gdellipse01 graph v draw ellipse in 0 0 1 1
gdlines graph v draw lines
gdlines01 graph v draw lines in 0 0 1 1
gdopen graph v open/clear graphics window
gdpen graph v set pen size and style
gdpencolor graph v set pen color
gdpie graph v draw pie-shaped wedge
gdpie01 graph v draw pie-shaped wedge in 0 0 1 1
gdpixel graph v draw pixel
gdpixel01 graph v draw pixel in 0 0 1 1
gdpolygon graph v draw
gdpolygon01 graph v draw in 0 0 1 1
gdrect graph v draw rectangle
gdrect01 graph v draw rectangle in 0 0 1 1
gdroundr graph v rounded rectangle
gdroundr01 graph v rounded rectangle in 0 0 1 1
gdshow graph v show graphics
geomean statfns v geometric mean
getdate dates v get date from character string
gfit isigraph v fit data to graphics window
glines isigraph v display line connecting points
gopen isigraph v open graphics window
gpen isigraph v set pen color [;width,style]
gpolygon isigraph v draw polygon given points
grayscale isigraph v generate grayscale
grgb isigraph v set color values
groupndx numeric v group indices of y. in x.
gscale isigraph v scale from (-1,1) to (0,1000)
gshow isigraph v {parent} gshow graph
harmean statfns v harmonic mean
hex convert a create verb for hex calculation
hexdump format v show text as hex and ascii characters
hfd convert v hex from decimal
hue isigraph v generate color from color set
hueRGB isigraph v generate color from RGB color se
ic dll v integer conversion
indegrees trig a convert function to use degrees:
index misc v index where result is _1 if not found, instead of #x.
inrange validate v (low, high) inrange data
int01 numeric v interval in n steps from 0 to 1 (= steps 0 1,n)
inverse stdlib a inverse (^:_1)
isbalanced validate v pair isbalanced string
isboolean validate v data is all 0 or 1
isboxed validate v is boxed
ischaracter validate v data is character
iscomplex validate v data is complex
iscounter validate v data is non-negative integer (counting number)
isdate validate v is date (as yyyy mm dd)
isinteger validate v data is all integer
ismatrix validate v data is a matrix
isnumeric validate v data is numeric
isotimestamp dates v format time stamps as: 2000-05-23 16:06:39.268
isreal validate v data is all real
isscalar validate v data is a scalar
isvector validate v data is a vector
jappend jfiles v append to jfile, (<i.2 3) jappend 'dat'
jcreate jfiles v create jfile, jcreate 'dat'
jdup jfiles v duplicate jfile, 'new' jdup 'dat'
jerase jfiles v erase jfile, jerase 'dat'
join misc v join boxed items
jread jfiles v read jfile, jread 'dat';2
jreplace jfiles v replace in jfile, ('new value';123) jreplace 'dat';2 5
jsize jfiles v return size of jfile, jsize 'dat'
kcreate kfiles v create file
kdir kfiles v keyword directory
kerase kfiles v erase file
keycreate keyfiles v create file
keydir keyfiles v keyword directory
keydrop keyfiles v drop keywords
keyerase keyfiles v erase file
keyread keyfiles v read data
keyreadx keyfiles v read extra data
keywrite keyfiles v write data
keywritex keyfiles v write extra data
key_new keyfiles v make new components
kread kfiles v read data for keyword
kurtosis statfns v kurtosis
kwrite kfiles v write date for keyword
lastones parts v last 1's in partition
leaf stdlib a leaf (L:0)
lfp parts v lengths from partition
linsert numeric v linear insert x. (default 2) steps into y.
list stdlib v list data formatted in columns
ljust strings v left justify
load loadlib v load script
loadd loadlib v load script with display
loadp jadelib v load project
lrep myutil v linear representation
lsfit statfns v least-squares fit
LF stdlib n linefeed character
makeframe write v make a frame
map jmf v map a file
max statfns v maximum
mean statfns v arithmetic mean
median statfns v median
mema dll v memory allocate
memf dll v memory free
memr dll v memory read
memshare jmf v share memory with a process
memshareclose jmf v close memory shared with memshare
memw dll v memory write
mfv convert v matrix from vector
midpt statfns v index of midpoint
min statfns v minimum
monad stdlib n integer 3
nameclass stdlib v name for 4!:0
namelist stdlib v name for 4!:1
names stdlib v formatted namelist
nappend nfiles v append to file
nc stdlib v name for 4!:0
nfmt format v simple numeric formatter
nl stdlib v selective namelist
normalprob statdist v probability of success in normal distribution
normalrand statdist v random numbers in a standard normal distribution,
noun stdlib n integer 0
nread nfiles v read file
nubcount misc v nub + count
nwrite nfiles v write to file
on stdlib c name for @:
open jadelib v open script
OR dll v bitwise OR (|)
pack pack v package namelist
partition parts v partition items (1 marks new item)
pathname misc v split DOS name into path;name
pcompare pack v compare two packages
pd plot v plot driver
pdef pack v package define
perm statfns v permutations of size y.
pex pack v remove namelist from package
pfl parts v partition from lengths
pget pack v return value of name in package
pi trig n pi
pick stdlib v pick (>@{)
plot plot v standard plot
poissondist statdist v discrete values for poisson distribution
poissonprob statdist v probability of success in poisson distribution
poissonrand statdist v random numbers in a poisson distribution
polygon isigraph v vertices of a regular polygon
pps myutil v set print precision
prep myutil v parenthesized representation
preverse parts v partioned reverse
preview write v preview page
print print v print text
printfile print v print file
printfile2 print v print file in 2-up mode
print2 print v print text in 2-up mode
prompt misc v prompt for input
psel pack v select namelist from package
pset pack v merge new into old
psort parts v partioned sort
psum parts v partioned sum
psumscan parts v partioned sumscan
publish publish v interactive publisher
quote convert v quote text
randomize numeric v sets a random value into random link
randomize random v sets a random value into random link
rand01 random v generate y. random numbers in interval (0,1)
rand11 random v generate y. random numbers in interval (_1,1)
range numeric v range from a to b [in steps of c]
readbmp bmp v read bitmap file, returning RGB data
readbmphdr bmp v read header from bitmap file
readcsv csv v reads csv file into a boxed array
recur numeric v solves recurrence r(i)=a(i)+r(i-1)*m(i-1)
regression statfns v multiple regression
require loadlib v require script
rfd trig v radians from degrees
rjust strings v right justify
rotate isigraph v rotate angle by given amount
round numeric v round y. to nearest x. (e.g. 1000 round 12345)
rounddist numeric v round y. to nearest x. preserving total
roundint numeric v round to nearest integer
rows stdlib a rows ("1)
rplc strings v replace characters in text string
ruler format v formatted ruler
runindices parts v indices from run lengths
runlengths parts v lengths of each run
rxall regex v regex equivalent of { (all matches)
rxapply regex v apply verb to pattern
rxcomp regex v compile pattern
rxcut regex v cut string into nomatch/match list
rxeq regex v regex equivalent of -:
rxerror regex v last regex error message
rxE regex v regex equivalent of E.
rxfirst regex v regex equivalent of {.@{ (first match)
rxfree regex v free pattern handles
rxfrom regex v matches from string
rxhandles regex v list pattern handles
rxin regex v regex equivalent of e.
rxindex regex v regex equivalent of i.
rxinfo regex v info on pattern handles
rxmatch regex v single match
rxmatches regex v all matches
rxmerge regex v replace matches in string
rxrplc regex v search and replace
RGB rgb v convert between color triples and RGB values
script stdlib v load script, cover for 0!:0
scriptd stdlib v load script with display, cover for 0!:1
scriptform misc v script representation of names
scripts jadelib v view script names
sdaccept socket v accept connection
sdasync socket v set up async connection for the socket
sdbind socket v bind socket
sdcheck socket v check socket for errors
sdcleanup socket v initialize winsock
sdclose socket v close socket
sdconnect socket v connect to the socket
sdgethostbyaddr socket v returns a name from an address
sdgethostbyname socket v returns an address from a name
sdgethostname socket v returns host name
sdgetpeername socket v returns address this socket is connected to
sdgetsockets socket v returns all socket numbers
sdgetsockname socket v returns address of this socket
sdioctl socket v read or write socket control information
sdlisten socket v set up listener for the socket
sdrecv socket v read data
sdrecvfrom socket v read data from
sdselect socket v find sockets that need work
sdsend socket v send data
sdsendto socket v send data
sdsetsockopt socket v sets the value of a socket option.
sdsockaddress socket v returns address
sdsockerror socket v retrieve socket error code
sdsocket socket v creates a socket
setrl random v set random link
share jmf v share a mapped file
show misc v show names using linear representation
showmap jmf v show all mappings
sign stdlib a sign (*)
sin trig v sin
sind trig v sin in degrees
sinh trig v sinh
skewness statfns v skewness
smoutput stdlib v output to session
snap myutil v names snapshot
sort stdlib v sort up
spdev statfns v sum of products of deviations
split stdlib v split head from tail
sqzint format v squeeze list of positive integers into short form
sqzrun format v squeeze list of numbers into short form
ss strings v string search
ssdev statfns v sum squares of deviation
startpage write v start page
startprint write v initialize print job
stddev statfns v standard deviation
steps numeric v steps from a to b in c steps
subs misc c substitution
table stdlib a function table
take stdlib v name for {.
takeafter strings v take after x. in y.
taketo strings v take to x. in y.
tan trig v tan
tand trig v tan in degrees
tanh trig v tanh
time myutil v time
timespacex myutil v time and space for expressions
timestamp dates v format time stamp as: 23 May 1998 16:06:39
timex myutil v time expressions
toCRLF stdlib v converts character strings to CRLF delimiter
todate dates v converts day numbers to dates
todayno dates v converts dates to day numbers
toHOST stdlib v converts character strings to Host delimiter
toJ stdlib v converts character strings to J delimiter (linefeed)
tolist misc v convert boxed list to LF delimited list
tolist myutil v convert boxed list to LF delimited list
tolower stdlib v convert text to lower case
topara text v convert text to paragraphs
toss random v pick x. items from y. (with repetition)
tossx random v pick x. indices from list y. (with repetition)
toupper stdlib v convert text to upper case
tree myutil v tree representation
tsdiff dates v differences between pairs of dates.
tsrep dates v timestamp representation as a single number
type stdlib v object type
TAB stdlib n tab character
unmap jmf v unmap a mapped file
unmapall jmf v unmap all mapped files
valdate dates v validate dates
var statfns v variance
verb stdlib n integer 3
vfm convert v vector from matrix
viewbmp bmp v bitmap viewer using isipicture control
viewmat bmp v view matrix in isipicture control
viewrgb bmp v view numeric matrix of RGB data
wcsize stdlib v size of execution window
wd winlib v main window driver, name for 11!:0
wdbox winlib v box wd argument
wdcenter winlib v center form on another
wdclipread winlib v read clipboard
wdclipwrite winlib v write to clipboard
wde winlib v as wd but displays error and signals break
wdfit winlib v fit form in window
wdget winlib v get values from matrix, e.g. wd'q'
wdhandler winlib v wd handler
wdinfo winlib v information box
wdisparent winlib v return 1 if a parent window
wdmenu menu v provide a pop-up menu
wdmove winlib v position window, relative to side of screen
wdpclose winlib v close parent window
wdqshow winlib v display result of wdq
wdquery winlib v query box
wdreset winlib v reset window driver
wdselect winlib v selection box
wdstatus winlib v put status message on screen
wdview winlib v text viewer
weekday dates v returns weekday from date, 0=Sunday ... 6=Saturday
winconst winapi v look up Windows constants
winset winapi v set values of windows constants
win32api winapi a look up Win32 API declaration, returning verb
win32apir winapi a win32api, except verb returns first element of call result
wpreset jadelib v clear window position
wpsave jadelib v save window position (if not max or min)
wpset jadelib v set window position
write write v write text (see syntax below)
writebmp bmp v write bmp file from RGB data
writecsv csv v writes a boxed array to a csv file
xfmt format v format extended integers
xtab print v remove tab stops from character string
xtabline print v remove tab stops
XOR dll v bitwise XOR (^)

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